Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just a Little Rant for the Day…

It is a tragedy to go through life never really liking or accepting who you are. To always be in a state of waiting to be the person you really wish you were is unacceptable. Unless I am very sick, I will never be the kind of girl whose thighs don’t touch in the middle, and yeah, my belly is a little soft, but thank goodness, the rest of me is soft and round too! I have lovely breasts, and a lovely round butt, and although I might not be considered waif like or delicate, man can I pull off sexy! And while we are on the subject, since when did the word “healthy” become a synonym for "fat"? I want to take back the word and share it with every woman who may not be a stick insect but still manages to look herself strait it the mirror and say out loud, “dang! I look good!” Yes, some girls really are naturally thin, and they can be lovely too. But there is a big difference between someone who is naturally skinny and someone who starves themselves to be so. There is nothing less sexy, in my opinion, then a woman on a permanent diet. Ladies come on! We are not meant to fit our jeans! Our jeans are meant to fit us! So I say, eat healthy, yes. Take care of yourself, sure. But don’t for one minute tell yourself that you would be better, happier and finally be worth something, if you could just lose those last five pounds. Life is too short to spend hating what you see when you look at you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The way it goes…

So I got this special strong soap to clear up my acne, which it seems to be helping with, but it dries out my skin so much that I have to use extra thick lotion to keep my skin from falling off, and it works, but it clogs my pores so I have to use the supper strong soap to clear up my acne…

Friday, March 4, 2011

Coffee is my Friend

Thank you pretty barista at Hasting's Hardback Cafe for being so pleasant and genuine seeming. I also liked your red lipstick and long dark hair. I hope that everyone is nice to you today, and no one forgets to tip.