Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Taking Up Space

Is it weird that I sort of like taking up more space in the world?  When I was supper skinny (and supper sick), I felt like I was almost not there.  Like I might be fitting into a certain type of mold that would be accepted by everyone, but not really noticed by anyone.  Now that I am a healthy weight, with all of the lumps and bumps that go with that, I feel like I have more of a presence; that I am more of a real person somehow, moving through the world curvy and pretty and happy.    
If I pick myself apart, each piece looks too big or too squishy or too imperfect, but if I look at myself as a whole, I think I look really beautiful and soft.  I don’t feel like I look like just any girl trying to fade into the background, I feel like a lovely woman who doesn’t look like anyone else; who just looks like me. 
It’s not like I suddenly think I look more beautiful than anyone else, I just feel like I have my own sort of loveliness that is only mine and not like anyone else, so why compare?  I don’t think I am perfect, I just think I am myself, and I am more than just okay with that, I am happy about that.  Maybe some people think I looked better before.  Some people cannot understand that not everyone is happiest when they are restricting their bodies.  That is fine.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  But I read a quote once that really stuck with me and it goes something like this:  Other people’s opinions are none of my business. 
So I am going to stay on my quest to be the healthiest, happiest version of myself, and I am going to realize that part of being healthy is accepting yourself for whatever you are, and loving yourself for it too.  I am a part of this world.  I am supposed to take up space in it. 

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