Thursday, January 13, 2011

A New Start

2010 was all about hospital beds and wedding bells for me, and while it was a year I will never forget and probably the most important year of my life so far, I can’t say I’m not glad to see it go.

I have started this year with some new scars but I am pain free and ready to try life as a healthy person for the first time since I was 13 (I am 27 now). I have goals and I have dreams, and for the first time in a long time, I can actually begin to hope that they might actually have a chance at coming true.

This year my husband and I are going to try to purchase our own home. We are looking for a small three bedroom house with a nice sized garage (for my husband) and a nice sized yard (for our dogs). We need three bedrooms so that I will have an office for my writing and so that we will have an extra room in case we decide to have children down the line. Until then, out extra room will be a guest room. I also need a bath tub (I’m a bath girl!) and a big closet (although some of my clothes might have to live in the closet in my office).

I am very excited about the idea of decorating our very own place. I can’t wait to buy couch covers and curtains that will reflect my husbands and my own taste. I also can’t wait to use some of the lovely gifts we have been saving since our wedding, such as the couch pillows my sister and her boyfriend gave us. I am also itching to put up the prints (and a few original pieces) of art we have collected over our four years together. In my head, I can see each perfect little room.

Another one on my major life goals for the year is to take a French class. I am not very good with languages but I have this lovely idea that I will go to Paris for my 30th birthday and I want to have some sort of grasp of the language before I go. I figure two and a half years of study will at least allow me to get by while I am there.

I am also trying pretty hard to keep myself healthy for as long as possible. Of course, I do not have total control over that aspect of my life, but I want to know that I am doing everything that is in my power. I have been eating as well as I can (not always easy for a person who has Crohn’s) and trying to exercise as much as possible. I walk a lot, and I am also trying Zumba. In fact, I have my third class ever in about two hours. So far I am enjoying myself, despite my lack of coordination and ability to follow simple directions (please oh please don’t ever make me try to do the electric slide again!).

My last big goal is to get something published this year. If last year taught me anything it is that time is precious and you need to make your own dreams come true while you have the chance.
Over all, I am very excited to start a bran spanking New Year with a clean slate. I really feel like this is going to be a great year for me and all of the people I love. Happy 2011 self!

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