Thursday, May 12, 2011


I know it is an odd thing, but I really like my scars.  Even the ones on my face.  To me, they are a badge of honor.  They show that I went through something once, and I was strong enough to get through it and keep going.  I am especially proud of the ones on my tummy, because I feel like I earned them.  I know it is odd, and a lot of people might think they look ugly, but to me they really are kind of beautiful.  It took some getting used to, but even my new funny belly button that is off center and sort of making a little cave to the right is okay with me. 

Hard to tell what is going on in this photo, but it is a bloated post surgery tummy upside down (all photos are after my reversal surgery and taken with the camera on my phone).

Here is when my wounds started to heal.

Here is several months ago.  I had already gained about ten pounds since my surgery. 
Here is a few days ago, ten more pounds on (funny what happens when it doesn't hurt to eat!).  Totally healed. 

1 comment:

  1. Just realized that my scars are reversed in the last photo because I took it in front of a mirror. :)
